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About Best India Money Changer
Best India Money Changer Private Limited is a Unlisted Private Company. It was incorporated on 28 March, 2006. It is a Company limited by Shares having its registered office at 145/F-3, Suriya Complex,Madurai Road Trichy - 620 008. Madurai Road,Trichy - 620 008. Madurai Road,Trichy - 620 008. - 620008 Tamil Nadu - India. It is further classified as a Non-govt company. It has a total paid-up capital of $10,000 to $100,000 and an authorized capital of $10,000 to $100,000. The CIN number of Best India Money Changer Private Limited is U67190TN2006PTC059320. Best India Money Changer Private Limited has 5 appointed directors/decision makers Mahamedhussain Salahudeen, Abdulkader Mohamedyahiya, Mohamed Hussain Ajeema Begum, Tajudeen Sharmela Thahira and Mohamed Hussain Mohamed Hasim.
28 March, 2006
Authorized Capital:
$10,000 to $100,000
Paid-up Capital:
$10,000 to $100,000
Company limited by Shares
Non-govt company
Zen Category:
145/F-3, Suriya Complex,Madurai Road Trichy - 620 008. Madurai Road,Trichy - 620 008. Madurai Road,Trichy - 620 008. - 620008 Tamil Nadu - India
Unlisted Private Company
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Director's Name | Director's Position | Director's Since Date |
MAHAMEDHUSSAIN SALAHUDEEN | Director | Not Available |
ABDULKADER MOHAMEDYAHIYA | Managing Director | Not Available |
MOHAMED HUSSAIN AJEEMA BEGUM | Director | Not Available |
TAJUDEEN SHARMELA THAHIRA | Director | Not Available |
MOHAMED HUSSAIN MOHAMED HASIM | Director | Not Available |
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