7 Effective Ways of How AI Will Influence a Software Developer

Everybody understands that the serious transformation of software development is not far away. Major changes are going to be carried out at the expense of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Humanity is pretty interested to look at how exactly Artificial Intelligence will impact software elaboration and apps.

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Role of AI Software Development

When you go to check how to hire software company, you will find out not only ways of selecting the most suitable software development platform. Also, you will see that nowadays Artificial Intelligence is already assisting software developers at different phases of the development process. Recent developments are going to transform the development lifecycle further.

If we refer to the latest estimations, we will see that approximately 80% of companies’ investments are coming to Artificial Intelligence. At the same time, 47% of companies that achieve digital maturity define AI strategies. If we make a conclusion on these numbers, everybody will comprehend what advantages Artificial Intelligence grants to these companies.

Artificial Intelligence has already been considered support for developers. Still, the main changes in software development are just ahead. AI technology changes the way how developers operate. It increases indicators of speed, productivity, and quality. Artificial Intelligence algorithms can be utilized for improving the required things starting from planning and estimation of projects, and the user experience to quality checking.

Some Report Results

If we look at the latest Deloitte report, we can conclude that Artificial Intelligence software development can assist the average developer to become more effective at 10 times than he would work by himself.

Myths about AI Software Development

Source: n-ix.com

According to a recent report published by PMI, innovators in Artificial Intelligence provide higher rates of timely delivery, achieve greater returns on investment, and get a larger part of business advantages from projects than those falling behind in Artificial Intelligence.

No matter if you are a thought leader in your industry, operate in the software industry, or are an industry leader, there is a need to be ready for future potential changes. Now, let’s analyze:

  • how the development of Artificial Intelligence can influence software elaboration;
  • what advantages AI can bring to the software development;
  • what new options of utilization can be applied for planning ahead in order not to cede positions to your competitors.

After we sort out how Artificial Intelligence impacts software development, we can consider general AI achievements in the modern world.

Already Existed Changes in Software Developers’ Role

Maybe not everybody noticed but the role of the software developers started to change some time ago. The next decade will be decisive for them since their role can be completely different from today. Will AI replace programmers and should software developers start to worry? Artificial Intelligence technology will take the place of developers with little chance. Humanity is at the threshold of a time when AI that can write code moment comes. There is a probability that software programmers will conduct various sets of tasks and work on the development of skills required for cooperating productively with Artificial Intelligence on the job.


Source: xicom.biz

Artificial Intelligence can perform easy and repetitive tasks. This is where AI excels greatly. This enables software programmers to dedicate more time to solving complicated tasks. Such a combination will more likely enhance the process of software development but not replace it.

Likewise, we can claim that Artificial Intelligence will more likely be utilized to discover gaps in existing technologies and notify companies when updated software is needed. A necessity for more software programmers will appear in the future, assuming that Artificial Intelligence and software development will probably evolve together.

Completely Automated Software Testing

Aside from future AI code writing ability, it can contribute to the fully-automated testing of software. The role of Artificial Intelligence in software testing starts to be more and more important to the process of quality assurance. As a rule, testing quality assurance requires much time and is a manual task. Unfortunately, it has a high degree of error.
The reason is that the amount of labor force, time, and resources are limited. This leads to bugs and other different problems slipping through the cracks and detecting just after the final product has been released.

How AI Can Impact Mobile App Development & UX

Source: desuvit.com

This is where the advantages of AI can be handy. Artificial Intelligence grants quick and accurate testing which in its turn can improve the process of discovering and fixing bugs and problems before a final product is released. This can help not only to reduce the development process but to provide a higher quality of the final product.

People can already become witnesses of how Artificial Intelligence improves the development and testing of software in different ways. As examples can be given, test bots that identify bugs in software, visual testing that uses machine learning based on images, and parallel comparisons to test the interface of apps. Even differential testing exists which work implies comparing app versions, classifying distinctions, and utilizing feedback for improving its classification process.

Building Applications Quicker

As it has already been mentioned, software programmers should not worry that Artificial Intelligence will be responsible for software development completely. AI development tools will become useful for programmers for getting new knowledge, optimizing processes, and writing code of better quality.

Since there are many tendencies in AI software development, applications for coding with Artificial Intelligence support can be highlighted. Deep TabNine, Kite, and Tara refer to such apps. In fact, they introduce “autocomplete” into the process of software elaboration which in its turn increases accuracy and speed during the coding process.
Other prospects exist as well. For example, Mendix Assist provides the opportunity of tutorship on the basis of Artificial Intelligence. It strives to assist newcomers in software development to learn to create applications in real-time.

In the end, these instruments can democratize elaboration and enable developers to allocate more time to solve more significant problems, design, and elaborate different creative solutions which in turn maximize the worth they can provide to the company.

Fully-Automated Mistake Management

As a rule, when a mistake is detected in software, the goal of the programmer is to go into the software and find out what the issue is. After defining the essence of the issue, a developer should start on its correction. Although this process is important, it still consumes much time.

This is where AI and developers’ cooperation can be applied once again. Another advantage of AI is that it possesses the possibility to discover, diagnose, and fix mistakes in software. The best part is that this occurs automatically, there is no need for the involvement of a programmer. First, this assists to reduce expenses and increase efficiency greatly.

Way's AI improves the software

Source: pinterest.com

Moreover, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms are likewise useful for predicting and precluding mistakes. They perform this by searching automatically in databases to detect abnormalities and advising a list of helpful steps that come in handy to programmers to shun these errors.

These abnormalities may appear in different forms. They can be ordinary bugs, absent code, or incorrect classifications. AI developers intend to increase productivity and quality by simplifying search and elimination issues in the code, and by averting their appearance in further projects.

Planning Becomes More Accurate

Assessment of software development can appear a complicated task for programmers. The reason is that it can be challenging to predict what obstruction a developer can face on his way and how these obstacles can influence budget and general deadlines.

AI can make use of its existing data from previous projects and many other factors that a developer desires to involve in to assist him to define a more accurate assessment of software elaboration. This simplifies your company to make a decision on what projects are worth continuing and what projects should be reduced before starting to work.

One of the companies provides its own explanation of how it utilizes planning of projects with the support of Artificial Intelligence to create accurate assessments for delivering applications. The company corrects the project in real-time to the extent new instructions and requirements appear, averting extension of scale without preliminary informing interested parties before making a decision.

What’s more, is that by integrating with GitHub enables the company to accept changes in code to the extent they occur and based on them determine how they influence the entire project.

Change the Meaning of “Leader”

AI influence is out of the scope of the process of elaboration and begins to be utilized more for informing about common solutions. AI utilizes machine learning to collect, classify, analyze, and use data to enable a machine to make reasonable decisions on the basis of this data.

To the extent that AI becomes better and better at granting accurate information that brings to making decisions more effectively, the level will lower to which a leader needs to lean on intuition. Parties concerned and investors in companies are going to lean on recommendations less from individuals but more on recommendations granted by complicated algorithms using millions of points of data.

When AI software development companies are fully implemented, the value of a future leader will move from making strategic decisions to human and cultural parties of a company. Tasks will be performed as follows: tutorship of junior workers and corporate ethics.

Moreover, leaders should have the possibility in the future to define what info to involve in these complicated algorithms, and possess the possibility to determine if potentially important info is absent in AI programs they are utilizing presently.

Getting Real-Time Clients’ Feedback

Data input in real-time with the assistance of AI development tools is going to change the method of the interplay of users with a stack of technology cardinally they utilize in their work.

With the help of machine learning algorithms, the software will have the opportunity to determine how concrete users behave by reacting to various actions. This would be possible by providing alternating content, tuning font size, elements on-page, and buttons automatically. This leads to a dynamic software experience that extracts data about interplay with the user in real-time and utilizes it for enhancement as far as programmers bring in corrections to the code. This extended functionality in conjunction with an unbroken feedback cycle obtained from users enables flattening friction points in crucial areas, lowering the number of abandoned carts, raising the number of conversions, or developing more available software.

Possibilities of AI

Since we briefly explored ways of influencing Artificial Intelligence in software development, we can move to familiarize ourselves with what Artificial Intelligence can do thus far. This will assist us to understand that changes in software elaboration are closer than they seem.

AI in Board Games

Can you believe if we say that Artificial Intelligence can beat humans in different types of quizzes and games? This really happened in 1997 when during a chess match that was held in New York, the IBM computer Deep Blue won a victory against Garry Kasparov. It was the first documented case when the world chess champion was defeated by a machine. All the required tournament conditions were followed.

Another case occurred in 2011. Watson is another IBM computer that participated in the television quiz show titled “Jeopardy”. The machine was in competition with previous winners of this quiz. This IBM computer was able not only to listen and perceive questions but also to provide responses in a natural human language. The most interesting part is that the machine had no connection to the internet.

Still, before the TV quiz, the computer learned lessons from 200 million pages of structured and unstructured content. This information occupied four terabytes of disk storage. The Watson machine became the owner of the prize of a sum of $1 million.

Relatively recently, a computer program from Google DeepMind titled AlphaGo was developed for playing the board game Go. Lee Sedol, the World Champion, was defeated by this program. A machine and a human played a five-game tournament. It was conducted in Seoul in 2016. Lee Sedol won a victory in the fourth game just.

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

There is no doubt that the value of AI software design and development is important, still, there is no need to forget about another serious field titled medicine. Artificial Intelligence succeeded here as well by making medical discoveries.

AI developers have already made breakthroughs in medical diagnostics. For example, a task to detect breast cancer was assigned to Artificial Intelligence in 2013. Signs of cancer were found by a trained neural network. During the experiment, it utilized tens of thousands of mammographic images of the given disease.

impact of AI on software development

Source: linkedin.com

The most interesting is that the neural network understood there is a need to look for different modifications of the tissue rather than tumors themselves. This is not obligatory for modifications to be in the immediate closeness of the tumor cells. It was not only a new but significant achievement in breast cancer spots.

AI in Music

If humanity can make use of AI that can write code, maybe Artificial Intelligence can compose songs as well. If you have some free time, you can read about Magenta. This is a project of Google Brain and its goal is to find out if machine learning can be utilized for creating attractive art and music.  One of the questions put by this project is how we should do this.

The team that was working on the creation of Magenta utilized TensorFlow. This is a library of machine learning developed by Google. Using the Internet, you can find that first song generated by a computer. It is hard to believe that it was composed completely without human involvement.

Artificial Intelligence in Painting

A charity auction was conducted in San Francisco in 2016. It was different from other similar events for a reason paintings were created by Artificial Intelligence. To be more precise, 29 paintings were sold by Google during this occasion.

The event was held under the title “DeepDream: The art of neural networks”. According to a report in The Wall Street Journal, the paintings were purchased for more than 8000$.
We have listed not all things that can be performed by Artificial Intelligence. It likewise is able to drive on motorways, compose poems, etc.

Where AI Can Be Utilized in Software?

If we use AI software design smartly and properly, it can assist in changing the approach to the development of applications. According to expectations, developers will have the opportunity to elaborate better applications utilizing Artificial Intelligence in the existing environment. Artificial Intelligence can be utilized in different areas of software elaboration processes. The most widespread are considered:

  •  Software design
  •  Requirement gathering
  •  Software testing
  •   Image recognition
  •   Automatic code generation, etc.

As we can see there are many areas of software elaboration where Artificial Intelligence is utilized. Being a part of software elaboration, Artificial Intelligence can improve elaboration itself, automated testing of software, and flexible test automation.

Benefit from Advantages of AI Software Development

Artificial Intelligence will surely become a must-have requirement for software elaboration in the long term. Thus, companies should allocate time to comprehend better AI advantages and how it is influencing elaboration overall. This will assist these organizations not only to be ready to react to new technology but to stand out from competitors.

Impact Of AI

Source: medium.com

As we can see nowadays, there is a huge growth in utilizing Artificial Intelligence in software development. This tendency remains in high demand on the market and is growing exponentially at the same time.

With the assistance of tools that are oriented toward Artificial Intelligence, automatization of training of machine learning models would be possible. This in its turn will lead to improvising consultations on machine learning that developers look for. It also can assist to lower the workload of data specialists.

There is no doubt that software elaboration organizations should make use of the potential advantages of Artificial Intelligence. This will surely change the rules of the game in the near future.

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