Everything You Need to Know About Search Engine Optimisation

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it’s basically how you get your website to show up on Google, Bing, etc. when people search for things related to your company.

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It can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to your site and increasing sales, but it’s not always easy. That’s why we have penned down this guide. It will give you a strong foundation for your SEO strategy to focus on growing your business!


What is SEO?

Source: localmedia.co.nz

SEO optimization is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and maintenance. You should be aware that not all websites can be optimized effectively for search engines. If you want to learn more about how SEO works and how you can improve your site’s visibility, check out our guide on how to become an SEO expert.

1. How do Search Engines work?

Search engines are designed to provide users with a list of pages that contain relevant content. They accomplish this by using an algorithm that evaluates the words on the page and links to them, then ranks the results according to how relevant they are.

In order for your website to be successful in search engine rankings, it needs to be optimized for the search engine’s algorithm. This means making sure that your site is:

  1. optimized for search engines (SEO)
  2. optimized for humans (UX).

The leading search engine on the Internet is Google. Google uses an algorithm called PageRank to rank websites according to their importance. This algorithm was developed by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University.

PageRank works by counting the number of links from other sites which point at each page. The more sites link to you. The higher your page is ranked in search results for a particular keyword or phrase.

In order to obtain links from other websites, your website must have content that others want to link to (and not just for SEO optimization purposes). For example, suppose you publish original articles about travel or fashion. In that case, people who run blogs or news sites might be interested in linking to them because they provide relevant content for their readership.

how seo works

Source: whitelinksseo.com

Search engines work through three primary functions

  1. Crawling: Scour the Internet for content, looking over the code/content for each URL they find.
  2. Indexing: Store and organize the content found during the crawling process. Once a page is in the index, it’s in the running to be displayed due to relevant queries.
  3. Ranking: Provide the pieces of content that will best answer a searcher’s query, which means that results are ordered by most relevant to least relevant.

The process of crawling is the first step in Google’s search algorithm. It involves following links from one page to another, starting from a seed set of pages and building an index of pages that link to each other.

(i) Crawling

It is done by Googlebot, Google’s web crawler. This software program visits millions of websites daily, looking for new content to add to the index. It reads every page it visits, looking for links and storing them in a database. When it finds new content on a website, it will add that site to its “index.”

(ii) Indexing

This is the next step in the search engine process. All the content from all the pages crawled is gathered together into an index that contains information on each page visited by Googlebot and makes them available for ranking purposes.

(iii) Ranking

It is the final step in your site being found by users searching on Google or any other major search engine like Yahoo! or Bing. The ranking is when your site appears at the top of results when people look for certain keywords related to what you’re offering online.

2. What factors affect SEO?

SEO is a comprehensive concept, and many factors affect how well your site will rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). Some of these factors include

(i) Content

The content on your page should be relevant to the keyword you are trying to rank for. This means that if you are targeting “dog training,” then all of the content on your page should be related to dog training and not anything else such as human resources or marketing.

(ii) Keywords

Keywords should be included throughout your page’s content, especially in the title tags and meta descriptions. These tags are what Google uses when displaying search results, so they must contain relevant keywords so that users can find them easily when searching online.

(iii) Backlinks

Backlinks are links from other websites pointing back at yours, proving to Google that other web admins think highly enough about your website to link back to it from their site(s). It also shows how popular a website is within its niche and how much trust it has with other sites

3. Why is SEO important?

Having a website without an SEO campaign can be like having an empty shopfront with no sign outside. It won’t attract any customers because no one knows you exist! The same applies online — if people don’t know your business exists, they won’t visit your site or buy from you. They may never even know that you exist!

4. What are the benefits of SEO?

SEO Benefits

Source: digitalmarketingstudio.in

 The benefits of SEO are many, but here are the most common:

  • Higher rankings in search engines
  • Increased traffic to your website
  • Improved customer acquisition and retention rates
  • Increased revenue, both direct and indirect (by converting more visitors into customers)
  • Better conversion rates can lead to increased customer lifetime value (CLV)
  • Lower cost per conversion or lead
  • More brand recognition and trust can lead to higher customer lifetime value (CLV)

6. What is on-page and off-page SEO?

On-page SEO and off-page SEO are two different types of search engine optimization used to help your website improve its performance in organic search results.

On-page SEO refers to the actions you can take on your website to help it rank higher on Google, such as creating high-quality content, using keywords in your content, and making sure that your site is mobile-friendly.

Off-page SEO refers to everything you do outside of your website to help it rank better on Google, such as building links and social media shares.

The goal of both on-page and off-page SEO is to make sure that your website is easy for search engines to crawl and index to show it in their results when people search for relevant keywords.

5. What are the major ranking factors for Google?

If you want to rank well in Google, you need to understand the significant ranking factors. Here are the ten most important factors that are used by Google’s search engine:

(i) Domain Authority

The domain authority is a number that represents how well a website will rank. Moz and other tools calculate it, and it can be found on the SEOmoz toolbar. If you have a high DA, your site is more likely to rank higher in search results.

Domain Authority and Website Ranking

Source: www.wizbrand.com

(ii) Page Authority (PA)

This is similar to DA, but it only applies to individual pages of your site instead of the entire domain. You can find your PA by clicking through from Google to your site and looking at the information at the bottom of the page.

(iii) Links

The more links there are pointing back to your website from other sites, the better off you’ll be ranking in Google’s eyes — whether those links are dofollow or nofollow doesn’t matter all that much in my experience (and neither does anchor text).

(iv) Keyword Difficulty

Keyword difficulty is a number assigned to each keyword that tells you how hard it is to rank for that keyword. It’s calculated by looking at the competition for that keyword and how many websites are currently ranking.

If you have a low keyword difficulty score, fewer websites are competing for that keyword, and it’s easier for you to rank for it. You can think of this as an “index” of how easy or hard it is to rank well on Google (or any other search engine).

6. How to set up your site for SEO success?

(i) Keyword Research and Targeting

The first step in any SEO campaign is picking the right keywords. You want to use relevant terms for your site and have enough traffic to make them worth targeting.

SEO Tips

You also want to make sure that you’re using long-tail keywords rather than short ones. The idea is that people searching for longer phrases are more likely to be ready to buy. So instead of targeting “waterproof speakers,” for example, you might go with something like “best waterproof Bluetooth speakers for swimming pool use.”

(ii) Build an Article Site

Another way to do SEO is by building an article site. This involves creating lots of content about a specific topic and then promoting it through social media and other channels. This strategy works best when you have a lot of different issues on which you can write articles, so it’s best if your website already has some structure in place (such as a blog).

(iii) Get Links From Other Sites

Getting links from other websites is one of the most important things you can do for SEO because links tell Google where your website should rank in search results based on their value as resources for users looking for information related.

SEO Link Building Services

Source: aamconsultants.org

The first step to making your site SEO-friendly is understanding the basics of search engine optimization. This includes understanding what search engines are looking for, how they work, and how to optimize your content for search engines.

(iv) Use Keyword-Rich Content

When people read online content, they skim through headlines before deciding whether or not they will continue reading the article itself; therefore, it’s essential.

One of the easiest ways to get your site ranked higher in search results is to use keyword-rich content. You can optimize your website for search engines and include terms that people are likely to use when searching for your products or services.

Remember, however, that Google and other search engines are constantly changing their algorithms. That means that what worked in the past may not work now and what works today might not work tomorrow. The key is to be consistent with the type of content you provide and the keywords you use so that users can find you when they are searching for a product or service like yours.

(v) Have a Responsive design

Your website should be easily readable on any device — including smartphones and tablets — so people can quickly find what they’re looking for, no matter where they’re coming from.

Did you know that 94% of People Judge Websites on Responsive Web Design

Responsive design is quickly becoming the standard in website design. However, it’s still important to remember that some search engines have yet to fully adapt their algorithms to recognize and adequately index responsive sites.

Google has been making strides toward improving its mobile search results, especially for local searches. Google recently updated its algorithm to better cater to small businesses with a mobile-friendly website. But just because your site is responsive doesn’t mean it will be automatically eligible for these new local search rankings.

To ensure that your site is optimized for SEO success, here are a few tips:

Be sure all text content on your page is easily readable on any screen size and in any orientation (portrait or landscape). This means using large fonts and spacing between lines so that users don’t have to zoom in or scroll horizontally to read your content.

Organize content into sections that are easy for users to scan and digest — ideally with lots of images and white space — so they can easily find what they’re looking for on each page without clicking through multiple levels of navigation menus.

(vi) Invest in Content Marketing

Content should be valuable, engaging, and informative so people stay on your site longer and don’t bounce out as soon as they arrive.

why content marketing matters most for your digital-marketing business in 2020

Source: xpertsol.co.uk

Content marketing is a powerful way to build visibility, increase leads and drive sales. And it’s not just for B2B marketers — it’s also an effective strategy for small businesses and nonprofits.

Content marketing can help you build trust, authority, and credibility in your industry. It’s a great way to attract new customers, increase brand awareness and boost sales.

But it takes time, money, and effort to get results from your content marketing efforts. If you don’t have the resources necessary to create high-quality, relevant content regularly, all of your efforts will be wasted.

Why Do You Need Content Marketing for SEO Success?

Content marketing is one of the best ways to attract organic traffic from search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. In fact, according to research from Stone Temple Consulting, “78% of all online experiences start with a search engine,” — which means that if you want more website visitors who are interested in what you have to offer, you need to rank highly in search results pages (SERPs).

(vii) Focus on Site structure

It’s essential that users find what they’re looking for quickly without having to hunt around or jump through hoops because something wasn’t appropriately labeled in an organic listing page or two-step checkout process.

Site Structure

Source: webspero.com

Site structure is how you organize the pages on your website. There are a few different types of structure:

A flat structure has just one level between parent and child pages. For example, if you have a page about apples, then another one about applesauce, and another about apple pie, this would make up three levels of hierarchy — apples (parent), applesauce (child), and apple pie (grandchild). A two-level hierarchy would be apples (parent) and applesauce (grandchild).

A deep structure has many levels between parent and child pages. For example, if you have a page about apples, then another one about applesauce, another about apple pie, and another about apple cider vinegar pickles, this would make up five levels of hierarchy — apples (parent), applesauce (grandchild), apple pie (great-grandchild) and so on.


Again, remember that SEO is a long-term strategy. You aren’t going to see significant changes in your rankings after one or two tweaks. It will be a practice, like any other skill, that you’ll have to continually work at to keep up with the latest changes and trends in the search engine optimization world. 

And even when you do everything right, your traffic can fluctuate over time. That’s why we recommend having a backup plan and diversifying your traffic sources.

Got questions or any tips to share? Please let us know in the comments below. 

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