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About Haryana State Roads And Bridges Development Corporation Limited
Haryana State Roads And Bridges Development Corporation Limited is a Public. It was incorporated on 13-May-99. It is a Company limited by Shares having its registered office at Bay No 13-14 Sector 2 Panchkula Panchkula Hr 134109 In. It is further classified as a State Govt company. It has a total paid-up capital of $10 million to $20 million and an authorized capital of $10 million to $20 million. The CIN number of Haryana State Roads And Bridges Development Corporation Limited is U45203HR1999SGC034240. Haryana State Roads And Bridges Development Corporation Limited has 6 appointed directors/decision makers Alok Nigam, Sunil Saran, Hardeep Kumar Mahotra, Partibha Aggarwal, Nihal Singh and Virender Jakhar.
Authorized Capital:
$10 million to $20 million
Paid-up Capital:
$10 million to $20 million
Company limited by Shares
State Govt company
Zen Category:
Bay No 13-14 Sector 2 Panchkula Panchkula Hr 134109 In
Construction Company
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Write a ReviewDirectors Information
Director's Name | Director's Position | Director's Since Date |
ALOK NIGAM | Director | 22-Mar-17 |
SUNIL SARAN | Nominee Director | 24-Jun-15 |
HARDEEP KUMAR MAHOTRA | Director | 30-Mar-15 |
PARTIBHA AGGARWAL | Director | 16-Sep-15 |
NIHAL SINGH | Director | 13-Jan-20 |
VIRENDER JAKHAR | Nominee Director | 14-Nov-19 |