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About M-Tork Machines And Automation

M-Tork Machines And Automation Private Limited is a Unlisted Private Company. It was incorporated on 02 January, 2007. It is a Company limited by shares having its registered office at Building No 10/32 , B-7 , Hmt Industrial Estate Kanayannur Taluk, Kalamassery Po Cochin - 683503 Kerala - India. It is further classified as a Indian Non-Government Company. The total revenue of the company is $10,000 to $100,000. It has a total paid-up capital of Less than $10,000 and an authorized capital of Less than $10,000. The CIN number of M-Tork Machines And Automation Private Limited is U72900KL2007PTC020150. M-Tork Machines And Automation Private Limited has 2 appointed directors/decision makers Ishach Sainuddin and Jolly Cyriac.




02 January, 2007

Authorized Capital:

Less than $10,000

Paid-up Capital:

Less than $10,000


Company limited by shares


Indian Non-Government Company


Building No 10/32 , B-7 , Hmt Industrial Estate Kanayannur Taluk, Kalamassery Po Cochin - 683503 Kerala - India


$10,000 to $100,000  

Yes No


Computer Related Services  

Yes No


Unlisted Private Company  

Yes No
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Directors Information

Director's Name Director's Position Director's Since Date
ISHACH SAINUDDIN Director Not Available
JOLLY CYRIAC Managing director Not Available

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