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About G S Height And Infrastructures
G S Height And Infrastructures Private Limited is a Private. It was incorporated on 29-Aug-06. It is a Company limited by Shares having its registered office at H No 2518 Sec 22C Chandigarh Chandigarh Ch 160022 In. It is further classified as a Non-govt company. It has a total paid-up capital of Less than $10,000 and an authorized capital of Less than $10,000. The CIN number of G S Height And Infrastructures Private Limited is U45200CH2006PTC030560. G S Height And Infrastructures Private Limited has 6 appointed directors/decision makers Jagtar Singh Dhaliwal, Gurdeep Singh, Gurtejinder Singh Sidhu, Pawan Deep Singh, Gurmeet Singh and Kamaljit Singh.
Authorized Capital:
Less than $10,000
Paid-up Capital:
Less than $10,000
Company limited by Shares
Non-govt company
Zen Category:
H No 2518 Sec 22C Chandigarh Chandigarh Ch 160022 In
Construction Company
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Director's Name | Director's Position | Director's Since Date |
JAGTAR SINGH DHALIWAL | Additional Director | 18-Jun-09 |
GURDEEP SINGH | Director | 29-Aug-06 |
GURTEJINDER SINGH SIDHU | Director | 29-Aug-06 |
PAWAN DEEP SINGH | Additional Director | 17-Jun-09 |
GURMEET SINGH | Director | 29-Aug-06 |
KAMALJIT SINGH | Additional Director | 18-Jun-09 |