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About Pondicherry Special Economic Zone Company Limited
Pondicherry Special Economic Zone Company Limited is a Public. It was incorporated on 19-Jun-06. It is a Company limited by Shares having its registered office at No. 47, 2Nd Floor, 1St Cross, Vengatta Nagar Puducherry Pondicherry Py 605011 In. It is further classified as a Non-govt company. It has a total paid-up capital of $2.5 million to $5 million and an authorized capital of $10 million to $20 million. The CIN number of Pondicherry Special Economic Zone Company Limited is U45209PY2006PLC001966. Pondicherry Special Economic Zone Company Limited has 3 appointed directors/decision makers Deepak Sethi, Shirish Dattatraya Tare and Bittal Mangilal Singhi.
Authorized Capital:
$10 million to $20 million
Paid-up Capital:
$2.5 million to $5 million
Company limited by Shares
Non-govt company
Zen Category:
No. 47, 2Nd Floor, 1St Cross, Vengatta Nagar Puducherry Pondicherry Py 605011 In
Construction Company
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Director's Name | Director's Position | Director's Since Date |
DEEPAK SETHI | Director | 21-Dec-12 |
SHIRISH DATTATRAYA TARE | Nominee Director | 04-Mar-16 |
BITTAL MANGILAL SINGHI | Director | 28-Mar-11 |