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About South West Port Limited
South West Port Limited is a Public. It was incorporated on 26-Jun-97. It is a Company limited by Shares having its registered office at 1St Floor Port User Complex Mormugao Harbour Goa South Goa Ga 403803 In. It is further classified as a Non-govt company. It has a total paid-up capital of $5 million to $10 million and an authorized capital of $5 million to $10 million. The CIN number of South West Port Limited is U45203GA1997PLC002369. South West Port Limited has 6 appointed directors/decision makers Naveen Kumar, Ameeta Chatterjee, Rashmi Ranjan Patra, Sanjay Kumar Rath, Gerard Eric Dacunha and Gerard Earnest Paul Da Cunha.
Authorized Capital:
$5 million to $10 million
Paid-up Capital:
$5 million to $10 million
Company limited by Shares
Non-govt company
Zen Category:
1St Floor Port User Complex Mormugao Harbour Goa South Goa Ga 403803 In
Construction Company
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Write a ReviewDirectors Information
Director's Name | Director's Position | Director's Since Date |
NAVEEN KUMAR | Wholetime Director | 30-Mar-15 |
AMEETA CHATTERJEE | Director | 30-Mar-15 |
RASHMI RANJAN PATRA | Director | 30-Oct-13 |
SANJAY KUMAR RATH | Director | 30-Oct-20 |
GERARD ERIC DACUNHA | Director | 29-Oct-05 |
GERARD EARNEST PAUL DA CUNHA | Director | 29-Oct-05 |